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日期:2016-04-01, 查看:4114

1. B. R. Bian, J.H. He, J. Du, W. X. Xia, J. Zhang, J. P. Liu, W. Li, C.F. Hu, and A. R. Yan. Growth mechanism and magnetic properties of monodisperse L10-Co(e)Pt@ C core-shell nanoparticles by one-step solid-phase synthesis, Nanoscale, IF7.394, 7,975(2015)Textured, dense and giant magnetostrictive alloy from fissile polycrystal, Acta Mater., 98, 113, 2015.

2. Y. Zhang, L.L. Zhang, Q. Zheng, X.Q. Zheng, M.Li, J.Du, A. R.Yan.  Enhanced magnetic refrigeration properties in Mn-rich Ni-Mn-Sn ribbons by optimal annealing, Scientific Reports, IF5.078, 5(2015)11010, DOI: 10.1038/srep11010

3. F. Xiao, M.J. Jin, J. Liu. Elastocaloric effect in Ni50Fe19Ga27Co4 single crystals,  Acta Mater., 96, 292, 2015.

4. Liu, L., Liu, Z., Li, M., Lee, D., Chen, R.J., Liu, J., Li, W., and Yan, A.R., Positive temperature coefficient of coercivity in Sm1−xDyx(Co0.695Fe0.2Cu0.08Zr0.025)7.2 magnets with spin-reorientation-transition cell boundary phases,Applied Physics Letters,2015, 106(5):052408

5. Y.Y. Shao, M.X. Zhang, H.B. Luo, A.R. Yan, J. Liu, Enhanced thermal conductivity in off-stoichiometric La-(Fe,Co)-Si magnetocaloric alloys, Appl. Phys. Lett., 107, 152403, 2015.

6. 唐旭,陈仁杰,靳朝相,尹文宗,李东,闫阿儒,The magnetization behavior and open recoil loops of hot-deformed Nd-Fe-B
magnets infiltrated by low melting point PrNd-Cu alloys,Applied Physics Letters,2015,107, 202403

7. Y. Xu, B.F. Lu, W. Sun, A.R. Yan, J. Liu, Large and reversible elastocaloric effect in dual-phase Ni54Fe19Ga27 superelastic alloys, Appl. Phys. Lett., 106, 201903, 2015.

8. Yu Zhang, Qiang Zheng, Weixing Xia, Jian Zhang, Juan Du*,Aru Yan,Enhanced large magnetic entropy change and adiabatic temperature change of Ni43Mn46Sn11 alloys by a rapid solidification method, Scripta Materialia, IF3.224, 104 (2015) 41–44, doi:10.1016/j.scriptamat.2015.04.004,

9. Tang Xin,Xi Chen, Renjie Chen, Aru Yan, Polycrystalline Nd2Fe14B/α-Fe nanocomposite flakes with a sub-micro nanometre thickness prepared by surfactant-assisted high-energy ball milling, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2015,644,562–569

10. X.J. Cao, L. Chen, S. Guo, X.B. Li , P.P. Yi, A.R. Yan, G.L. Yan, Coercivity enhancement of sintered Nd–Fe–B magnets by efficiently diffusing DyF3 based on electrophoretic deposition, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2015,631:315-320

11. Yanfeng Su, Hao Su, Yuejin Zhu, Fang Wang, Juan Du, Weixing Xia, Aru Yan, J.Ping Liu, Jian Zhang*, Effects of magnetic field heat treatment on SmCo/a-Fe nanocomposite permanent magnetic materials prepared by high energy ball milling, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 647 (2015) 375-379

12. Xin Tang, Renjie Chen, Wenzong Yin, Jinzhi Wang, Xu Tang, Don Lee, Aru Yan, Mechanism of texture enhancement in nanocomposite magnets during process of die upsetting coupled with Nd–Cu grain boundary diffusion, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 623 (2015) 386–392

13. Fang Wang, Hao Wei, Lidong Liu, Haitao Yang, Jian Zhang, Juan Du, Weixing Xia, Aru Yan, and J. Ping Liu, PrCo5 nanoflakes prepared by surfactant-assisted ball milling at low temperature, Journal of Applied Physics 117, 17D142 (2015).

14. W. Sun, X.H. Xu, J. Liu, W.X. Xia, A.R. Yan, An in-situ study of magnetic domain structures in undercooled Fe-Pd by Lorentz microscopy and electron holography, J. Appl. Phys., 117, 163909, 2015.

15. Min Lin, Huijie Wang, JingwuZheng, Aru Yan, Effects of Fe fine powders doping on hot deformed NdFeB magnets, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 2015,379,  90-94.

16. Ling Chen, Xuejing Cao, ShuaiGuo, Jinghui Di, Guangfei Ding, Changjiang Yan, Renjie Chen, and Aru Yan, Coercivity Enhancement of Dy-Free Sintered Nd–Fe–B Magnets by Grain Refinement and Induction Heat Treatment, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MAGNETICS, 2015,51,(11):2101403.

17. Ju Jin-Yun, Tang Xu,ChenRen-Jie,Wang Jin-Zhi,Yin Wen-Zong, Li Dong, and  Yan A-Ru, Fine-grained NdFeB magnets prepared by low temperature pre-sintering and subsequent hot pressing, Chin. Phys. B, 24(2015):017504.

18. L. Liu , D.L. Pan , Z. Liu , H.W. Zhang , M. Li, R.J. Chen, X.M. Liu, A.R. Yan, Don Lee, W. Li, Optimization of magnetic properties of sintered (SmGdDy) (Co, Fe, Cu, Zr) z magnets by Dy–Co addition(Co, Fe, Cu, Zr) z magnets by Dy–Co addition, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 374 (2015):634–638

19. Y.L. Sun, J.T. Zhao , Z. Liu , W.X. Xia , S.M. Zhu , D. Lee , A.R. Yan, The phase and microstructure analysis of Alnico magnets with high coercivity, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 379 (2015):58–62

20. Guangfei Ding, ShuaiGuo, LingwenCai, Ling Chen, Changjiang Yan, Lee Don, Aru Yan, Enhanced Thermal Stability of Nd–Fe–B Sintered Magnets by Intergranular Doping Y72Co28 Alloys, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MAGNETICS, 2015,51(8)

21. Guangfei Ding, ShuaiGuo, LingwenCai, Ling Chen, Jian Liu, Don Lee, Aru Yan, Study on ultrafine-grained sintered Nd-Fe-B magnets produced from jet-milled HDDR powders, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MAGNETICS, 2015.51(11)

22. Q. Y. Zhou, Z. Liu, S. Guo, A. R. Yan, D Lee, Magnetic properties and microstructure of melt-spun Ce-Fe-B magnets, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MAGNETICS, 2015, 51, 11

23. JinyunJu, XuTang, Renjie Chen, AruYan, Chaoxiang Jin, Wenzong Yin, Zexuan Wang, Don Lee, Zhimin Zhang,The study of magnetic properties,coercivity mechanism and bending strength of hot-deformed RE-Fe-B magnets,Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials,386(2015)31-36

24. 周巧英,陈仁杰,刘壮,郭帅,闫阿儒,李东,Effect of Refractory Metal Substitution on Magnetic Property and Corrosion Behavior of Sintered NdFeB Magnets,Rare Metal Materials and Engineering,2015, 44(10): 2376-2380

25. 蔡岭文,郭帅,丁广飞,陈仁杰,刘剑,李东,闫阿儒,Influence of RE-rich phase distribution in initial alloy on anisotropy of HDDR powders*,Chin. Phys. B,2015,24(9):097505

26. Kun Pei, Xing Zhang, Min Lin, Aru Y an, Effects of Ce-substitution on Magnetic Properties and Microstructure of Nd- Pr -Fe-B Melt-spun Powders, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials,2016, 398(2016)96-100

27. Xuejing Cao, Ling Chen, ShuaiGuo, Renjie Chen, Gaolin Yan, Aru Yan, Magnetic and Microstructural Properties of DyF3 -Coated Sintered Nd-Fe-B Magnets by Electrophoretic Deposition, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MAGNETICS, 2015, 51(11) :2101804

28. 郑精武、陈啸天、陈海波、乔梁、林旻、姜力强、车声雷,An electrodeposition metal layers method for magnetic powders and warm-pressing preparation of Nd–Fe–B/Sn-bonded magnets,Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology,2015,30(3)

29. 应耀、郑精武、乔梁、李万昌、蔡伟、车声雷、姜力强、范集雨、林旻,Double Exchange Interaction Between Mn3+ and Ru4+ Ions in La1−xSrxMn1−xRuxO3,Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism, 2015, 28(10)

30. J. Liu, M.X. Zhang, Y.Y. Shao, A.R. Yan, LaFe11.6Si1.4/Cu magnetocaloric composites prepared by hot pressing, IEEE Magn., 2015.

31. M.X. Zhang, Z.T. Zhang, C. He, Y.Y. Shao, J. Liu,  A.R. Yan, Microstructure and magnetocaloric properties of LaFe11.8-xCoxSi1.2 strip-cast flakes, IEEE Magn., 2015.

32. M.X. Zhang, J. Liu, Y. Zhang, J.D. Dong, A .R. Yan, K.P. Skokov, O. Gutfleisch, large entropy change, adiabatic temperature change, and small hysteresis in La(Fe,Mn)11.6Si1.4 strip-cast flakes, J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 377, 90-94, 2015.

33. C. He, M.X. Zhang, Y.Y. Shao, J.D. Dong, A.R. Yan, J. Liu, Anomalous microstructure and magnetocaloric properties in off-stoichiometric La–Fe–Si and its hydride, Chin. Phys. B, 24, 077503, 2015 

34. Z.T. Zhang, C. He, M.X. Zhang, J. Liu, Influence of extra La and annealing temperature on microstructure and magnetocaloric properties of La– Fe–Co–Si alloys, Physica B, 476, 167, 2015.

35. M.X. Zhang, J.W. Li, F.L. Kong, J. Liu, Magnetic properties and magnetocaloric effect of FeCrNbYB metallic glasses with high glass-forming ability, Intermetallics, 59, 18, 2015.

36. J.D. Dong, M.X. Zhang, J. Liu, P.N. Zhang, A.R. Yan, Magnetic properties and magnetocaloric effect of Hf–Ta–Fe– (Co) alloys, Physica B, 476, 171, 2015.

37. B.F. Lu, P.N. Zhang, Y. Xu, W. Sun, J. Liu, Elastocaloric effect in Ni45Mn36.4In13.6Co5 metamagnetic shape memory alloys under mechanical cycling, Mater. Lett., 148, 110, 2015.

38. B.F. Lu, J. Liu, Mechanocaloric materials for solid-state cooling, Sci. Bull., 60, 1638, 2015.

39. Fang Wang, Jian Zhang, Tang-Fu Feng, Ren-Bing Sun, Sheng Yu,  Jin-Zhi Wang. Magnetocaloric effect and critical behavior in Ni2In-type compoundFeMn1-xNixGe, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 639, 259–262(2015)

40. Wen Sun, Xianhui Xu, Jian Liu, Weixing Xia, and Aru Yan. An in-situ study of magnetic domain structures in undercooled Fe-29.5 at. %Pd magnetostrictive alloys by Lorentz microscopy and electron holography,” JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS 117, 163909 (2015).

41. D Liang, J. Du, X.P.A. Gao, InAs Nanowire Devices with Strong Gate Tunability: Fundamental Electron Transport Properties and Application Prospects: A Review, Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 31 (2015) 542-555.

42. 盛洪超,靳朝相,顾小燕,单辊快淬法制备高性能各向异性 Nd2Fe14B/α-Fe纳米复相永磁材料, 中国稀土学报, 2015,33(1):48-52
