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日期:2019-04-26, 查看:3381

1.Tang, X, Chen, R.,Li, M., Jin, C., Yin, W., Lee, D., Yan, A. Grain boundary diffusion behaviors in hot-deformed Nd2Fe14B magnets by PrNd-Cu low eutectic alloys. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials,2018, 445: 66-70

2. Chaoxiang Jin, Renjie Chen, Xu Tang, Jinyun Ju, Wenzong Yin, Zexuan Wang, Ming Li, Don Lee, Aru Yan.    Magnetic properties and magnetization behaviors of die-upset anisotropic (CeNd)-Fe-B multiphase magnets, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 2018, 449: 313–318

3. Zexuan Wang, Jijun Zhang, Jinzhi Wang, Jinyun Ju, Renjie Chen, Xu Tang,Wenzong Yin, Don Lee, Aru Yan, Coercivity improvement of hot-deformed Nd–Fe–B magnets by stress-induced Pr–Cu eutectic diffusion, Acta Materialia, 2018,156: 136-145.

4. Ming Li, Renjie Chen, Chaoxiang Jin, Jinhong Yu, Xu Tang, Guoxin Chen, Jie Sun, Zexuan Wang, Aru Yan. Texture and microstructure improvement of hot-deformed magnets with platelet-like nano h-BN addition, Scripta Materialia, 2018,152:127–131.

5. Jingwu Zheng, Kaihua Liu, Wei Cai, Liang Qiao,Yao Ying, Wangchang Li, Jing Yu, Min Lin,Shenglei Che, Effect of chloride ion on crystalline phase transition of iron oxide produced by ultrasonic spray pyrolysis ,Advanced Powder Technology,2018, 29:1953–1959

6. Tianyi Li , Zhuang Liu, Yanping Feng, Lei Liu, Chaoyue Zhang, Guanghui Yan, Zaixin Feng, Don Lee, Aru Yan, Effect of Zr on magnetic properties and electrical resistivity of Sm(CobalFe0.09Cu0.09Zrx)7.68 magnets, Journal of Alloys and Compounds,2018,753:162-166

7. Xuejing Cao, Ling Chen, Shuai Guo, Jinghui Di, Guangfei Ding, Renjie Chen, Aru Yan, Kezheng Chen   Improved thermal stability of TbF3-coated sintered Nd–Fe–B magnets by electrophoretic deposition    AIP Advances   2018,8, 056222

8. Qiushuang Zhang, Shuai Guo, Xiao Yang, Jiling Zeng, Xuejing Cao, Renjie Chen, Aru Yan,Coercivity enhancement of sintered Nd–Fe–B magnets by chemical bath deposition, AIP Advances, 2018,8, 056220

9. K. Chen, S. Guo, X.D. Fan, G.F. Ding, J.H. Di, R.J. Chen, A.R. Yan, Design and fabrication of Ce-based sintered magnets by doping Nd-Fe/Ce-Fe alloys

Ce-Fe alloys, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 2018,457:135–141

10. Jinghui Di, Guangfei Ding, Xu Tang, Xiao Yang, Shuai Guo,Renjie Chen, Aru Yan, Highly efficient Tb-utilization in sintered Nd-Fe-B magnets by Al aided TbH2 grain boundary diffusion, Scripta Materialia, 2018,155:50–53

11. Guangfei Ding, Shuai Guo, Ling Chen , Jinghui Di , Jie Song, Renjie Chen, Don Lee, Aru Yan, Coercivity enhancement in Dy-free sintered Nd-Fe-B magnets by effective structure optimization of grain boundaries, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2018:735 :795-801

12. Guangfei Ding , Shuai Guo , Ling Chen a, Jinghui Di , Kan Chen, Renjie Chen,Don Lee, Aru Yan, Effects of the grain size on domain structure and thermal stability of sintered Nd-Fe-B magnets. Journal of Alloys and Compounds    2018,735,1176-1180

13. Xiaodong Fan, Guangfei Ding, Kan Chen, Shuai Guo, Caiyin You, Renjie Chen, Don Lee , Aru Yan,  Whole process metallurgical behavior of the high-abundance rareearth elements LRE (La, Ce and Y) and the magnetic performance of Nd0.75LRE0.25-Fe-B sintered magnets, Acta Materialia, 2018,154:343-354

14. Chaoyue Zhang, Zhuang Liu, Ming Li, Lei Liu, Tianyi Li, Renjie Chen, Don Lee, & Aru Yan, The evolution of phase constitution and microstructure in iron-rich 2:17-type Sm-Co magnets with high magnetic performance, Scientific Reports, 2018,8:9103

15. Yanyan Shao, Binfeng Lu, Mingxiao Zhang, Jian Liu, An X-ray absorption spectroscopy study of La-Fe-Si-(H) magnetocaloric alloys, Acta Materialia, 2018,150: 206-212

16. Dewei Zhao, Fei Xiao, Zhihua Nie, Daoyong Cong,Wen Sun, Jian Liu, Burst-like superelasticity and elastocaloric effect in [011] oriented Ni50Fe19Ga27Co4 single crystals, Scripta Materialia, 2018,149:6–10

17. Qi Shen, Dewei Zhao, Wen Sun, Zhiyang Wei, Jian liu, Microstructure, martensitic transformation and elastocaloric effect in Pd-In-Fe polycrystalline shape memory alloys         Intermetallics, 2018,100:27–31

18. Longsha Wei, Xuexi Zhang, Jian Liu, and Lin Geng  Orientation dependent cyclic stability of the elastocaloric effect in textured Ni-Mn-Ga alloys, AIP Advances, 2018,8, 055312

19. YiXu Wang, Hu Zhang, EnKe Liu, XiChun Zhong, Kun Tao, MeiLing Wu, ChengFen Xing,YaNing Xiao, Jian Liu, and Yi Long, Outstanding Comprehensive Performance of La(Fe, Si)13Hy/In Composite with Durable Service Life for Magnetic Refrigeration, Advanced Electronic Materials, 2018, 1700636

20. Jian Yang, Yanyan Shao, Zaixin Feng, Jian Liu, The effect of cooling rate on the phase formation and magnetocaloric properties in La0.6Ce0.4Fe11.0Si2.0 alloys. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 2018, 452: 473–476

21. Jian Yang, Yanyan Shao, Mingxiao Zhang, Yanfeng Liu, Aru Yana, Jian Liu, The influence of Ce on microstructure, phase formation and magnetocaloric properties in off-stoichiometric La2-xCexFe11Si2 alloys, Intermetallics, 03 (2018) 97–100

22. Y. Li, D.W. Zhao, J. Liu, S.X. Qian, Z.B. Li, W.M. Gan, X. Chen, Energy-efficient Elastocaloric Cooling by Flexibly and Reversibly Transferring Interface in Magnetic Shape Memory Alloys, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2018,10 (30):25438–25445

23. Liang Yang, Zhenni Zhou, Shouteng Feng, Jiehua Li, Jian Liu, Jun Li, Qiaodan Hu, Jianguo Li, Microstructure and magnetic property of LaFe11.6Si1.4 magnetocaloric alloys by a novel short time heat treatment,  Intermetallics, 2019:105:1–5

24. AoShen, WenSun, DeweiZhao, JianLiu, Influence of Cr on microstructure and elastocaloric effect inNi–Mn–In–Co–Cr polycrystalline alloys ,Physics Letters A ,2018,382:2876–2879

25. Jinghui Di,  Shuai Guo, Ling Chen, Pengpeng Yi , Guangfei Ding, Kan Chen, Ming Li, Don Lee, Aru Yan.  Improved corrosion resistance and thermal stability of sintered Nd-Fe-B magnets with holmium substitution, Journal of Rare Earths, 2018,36:826-831

26. Wei Yang, Ning-Ning Wang, Peng Ping, Anthony Chun-Yin Yuen, Ao Li,San-E Zhu, Li-Li Wang,Jian Wu, Timothy Bo-Yuan Chen, Jing-Yu Si, Bao-Dong Rao, Hong-Dian Lu Qing Nian Chan, and Guan-Heng Yeoh, Novel 3D Network Architectured Hybrid Aerogel Comprising Epoxy,Graphene,and Hydroxylated Boron Nitride Nanosheets , ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2018, 10 (46):40032–40043

27. Yaqiang Jia, Jinqi Xie, Jian Wu, Ying Yang, Xian-Zhu Fu, Rong Sun, Ching-Ping Wonge   Hierarchical nanothorns MnCo2O4 grown on porous/dense Ni bi-layers coated Cu wire current collectors for high performance flexible solid-state fiber supercapacitors , Journal of Power Sources, 2018,393:54–61

28. Fenggui Chen, Dan Zhou, Liping Yang, Jiaotong Sun, Jian Wu, Poly(dopamine) coated graphene oxide as multi-functional filler in waterborne polyurethane, Materials Research Express, 2018,6,1-23

29. Qiaobo Liu, Xu Tang, Renjie Chen, Zexuan Wang, Jinyun Ju, Wenzong Yin, Aru Yan, Hui Xu  Effect of Tb-Fe diffusion on magnetic properties and thermal stability of hot-deformed magnets, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2019,773:1108-1113

30. Tingting Song, Xu Tang, Wenzong Yin, Renjie Chen, Aru Yan  Coercivity enhancement of hot-pressed magnet prepared by HDDR Nd-Fe-B powders using Pr-Cu eutectic alloys diffusion , Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 2019,471:105–109

34. Jian Lei, Jingwu Zheng, Haida Zheng, Liang Qiao, Yao Ying, Wei Cai, Wangchang Li, Jing Yu, Min Lin, Shenglei Che, Effects of heat treatment and lubricant on magnetic properties of iron-based soft magnetic composites with Al2O3 insulating layer by one-pot synthesis method , Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials , 2019,472:7–13

31.  Lei Liu, Zhuang Liu, Xin Zhang, Chaoyue Zhang, Tianyi Li, Don. Lee, Aru Yan, 2:17 type SmCo magnets with low temperature coefficients of remanence and coercivity, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 2019,473:376–380

32. Tianyi Li, Zhuang Liu, Chaoyue Zhang, Zhiqin Xue, Lei Liu, Renjie Chen, Zaixin Feng, Don Lee, and Aru Yan Effect of Isothermal Aging Time on Magnetic Properties and Microstructure of Sm1−xDyx (Co0.695Fe0.2Cu0.08Zr0.025)7.2 Magnets,  IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MAGNETICS, 2018.54,10:2101104

33. Ren-Jie Chen, Ze-Xuan Wang, Xu Tang, Wen-Zong Yin, Chao-Xiang Jin, Jin-Yun Ju, Don Lee, A-Ru Yan Rare earth permanent magnets prepared by hot deformation process      Chin. Phys. B 2018,,27, 11:117504

34. 郑晓芬, 陈仁杰, 雷芳,  李东,  闫阿儒,  高熔点纳米颗粒添加对热变形Nd-Fe-B磁体性能与微观结构的影响, 粉末冶金工业, 2018,,28,6:42-46

35. Shuai Hu, Ke Pei, Baomin Wang, Weixing Xia∗, Huali Yang, Qingfeng Zhan, Xiaoguang Li, Xincai Liu, and Run-Wei Li   Direct imaging of cross-sectional magnetization reversal in an exchange-biased CoFeB/IrMn bilayer, Physical Review B, 2018,97 (5)
