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日期:2019-04-26, 查看:2625

1. Ao Shen, Dewei Zhao, Wen Sun, Jian Liu, Caiju Li, Elastocaloric effect in a Co50Ni20Ga30 single crystal, Scripta Materialia, 2017,127:1-5

2. Heng Zhang, Mingxiao Zhang, Yanyan Shao, Lihui Zhu , Jian Liu, Microstructure and magnetocaloric properties of non-stoichiometric La1.5Fe12.2-xCo0.8Six alloys, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2017,720 :432-436

3. Dewei Zhao, Jian Liu, Xian Chen,Wen Sun, Yang Li, Mingxiao Zhang,Yanyan Shao, Heng Zhang, Aru Yan    Giant caloric effect of low hysteresis metamagnetic shape memory alloys with exceptional cyclic functionality, Acta Materialia, 2017,133:217-223

4. Binfeng Lu,  Jian Liu, Elastocaloric effect and superelastic stability in Ni–Mn–In–Co polycrystalline Heusler alloys: hysteresis and strain-rate effects, Scientific Reports, 2017,7: 2084

5. Yong Hu, Zongbin Li, Bo Yang, Suxin Qian, Weimin Gan,Yuanyuan Gong, Yang Li,m Dewei Zhao, Jian Liu, Xiang Zhao, Liang Zuo, Dunhui Wang, and Youwei Du, Combined caloric effects in a multiferroic Ni–Mn–Ga alloy with broad refrigeration temperature region, APL Materials., 2017,5:046103

6. YanyanShao, JianLiu, MingxiaoZhang, AruYan, Konstantin P.Skokovc, Dmitriy YuKarpenkovcd, OliverGutfleisch    High-performan ce solid-state cooling materials: Balancing magnetocaloric and non-magn etic prope rties in dual phase La-Fe-Si, Acta Materialia, 2017,125,506-512

7. Dewei Zhao, Jian Liu,Yan Feng, Wen Sun, and Aru Yan  Giant elastocaloric effect and its irreversibility in [001]-oriented Ni45Mn36.5In13.5Co5 meta-magnetic shape memory alloys, Appl. Phys. Lett., 2017,110: 021906

8. Yang Li, Wen Sun, Dewei Zhao, Hui Xua, Jian Liu, An 8K elastocaloric temperature change induced by 1.3% transformation strain in Ni44Mn45-XSn11Cualloys, Scripta Materialia, 2017,130: 278–282

9. Qi Shen, Dewei Zhao, Wen Sun, Yang Li , Jian Liu, The effect of Tb on elastocaloric and mechanical properites of Ni-Mn-In-Tb alloys, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2017,696:538-542

10. J. Liu, D.W. Zhao, Y. Li, Exploring Magnetic Elastocaloric Materials for Solid-State Cooling, Shap. Mem. Superelasticity, 2017,3:192-198

11.  Sun, W, Liu, Zhao, D , Zhang MX,Directional solidification and elastocaloric effect in a Ni45Mn44Sn11 magnetic shape memory alloy, J Phys.D: Appl. Phys, 2017,50,444001

12. QiangZheng, LinlinZhang, JuanDu, Magnetic entropy change in Gd95Fe2.8Al2.2 amorphous/nanocrystalline ribbons, Scripta Materialia, 2017,130:170–173

13. Nannan Bi, Lei Zhang, Qiang Zheng, Fei Zhuge, Jiupeng Li, Xuan P.A. Gao,Juan Du, Control of ZnO nanowire growth and optical properties in a vapor deposition process, Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 2017,33:850-855

14.  Zheng, Q,  Zhang, LL, Du, J, Table-like magnetocaloric effect in Gd-Ni-Al amorphous/nanocrystalline composites,J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys.,2017, 50:355601

15.  ZexuanWang, JinyunJu, JinzhiWang, WenzongYin, RenjieChen, MingLi, JieSun, ChaoxiangJin, XuTang, DonLee, AruYan, Near-surface microstructure improvement for die-upset Nd-Fe-B magnets with an enhanced maximum energy product, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2017,710:66-71.

16.  Xiaofen Zheng, Ming Li, Renjie Chen, Fang Lei , Chaoxiang Jin, Zexuan Wang, Jinyun Ju,Wenzong Yin, Don Lee, Aru Yan, Coercivity enhancement by inhibiting the formation of coarse grains region in hot-deformed Nd-Fe-B magnets with WC nano-particles addition, Scripta Materialia, 2017,132: 49-52

17. Rongshun Lai, Renjie Chen, Wenzong Yin, Xu Tang, Zexuan Wang, Chaoxiang Jin, Don Lee, Aru Yan, High performance (La, Ce, Pr, Nd)-Fe-B die-upset magnets based on misch-metal, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2017,724: 275-279

18.  Haihang Wang, Renjie Chen, Wenzong Yin, Mingyuan Zhu, Xu Tang, Zexuan Wang,Chaoxiang Jin, Jinyun Ju, Don Lee, Aru Yan, The effect of Nd-Cu diffusion during hot pressing and hot deformation on the coercivity and the deformation ability of Nd-Fe-B HDDR magnets, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 2017,438:35-40

19. Xiaofen Zheng, Ming Li, Chaoxiang Jin, Renjie Chen, Wenzong Yin, Xu Tang,  Fang Lei, Zexuan Wang, Jinyun Ju, Don Lee, Aru Yan,  Effect of WC addition on Mechanical Properties of Hot-Deformed NdFe-B Magnets, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2017,728:607-611

20. Kan Chen, Shuai Guo,  Xiaodong Fan,Guangfei Ding, Ling Chen, Renjie Chen,  Don Lee,  Aru Yan   Coercivity enhancement of Ce-Fe-B sintered magnets by low-melting point intergranular additive,  J. Rare Earths, 2017,35,2:158-163

21. K. Chen, S. Guo,  X. D. Fan,  G. F. Ding,  J. H. Di,  R. J. Chen, D. Lee,  and A. R. Yan.  Coercivity enhancement of (Nd,Ce)-Fe-B sintered magnets by doping Nd-Fe additives, AIP Advances, 2017,7: 025213

22. Xiaodong Fan,  Kan Chen, Shuai Guo,  Renjie Chen,  Don Lee,  Aru Yan  and Caiyin You. Core shell Y-substituted Nd-Ce-Fe-B sintered magnets with enhanced coercivity and good thermal stability, Appl. Phys. Lett., 2017,110: 172405

23. Xiao Yang, Shuai Guo, Guangfei Ding,  Xuejing Cao,  Jiling Zeng, Jie Song, Don Lee, Aru Yan. Effect of diffusing TbF3 powder on magnetic properties and microstructure transformation of sintered Nd-Fe-Cu-B magnets , Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials , 2017,443:179–183

24. Zhuyin Shao,  Hui Zhao, Jiling Zeng, Yinfeng Zhang, Wenyun Yang, Youfang Lai, Shuai Guo, Honglin Du, Changsheng Wang, Yingchang Yang, and Jinbo Yang, One step preparation of pure ??-MnAl phase with high magnetization using strip casting method, AIP Advances, 2017,7: 056213

25. Xuejing Cao, Ling Chen, Shuai Guo, Fengchun Fan, Renjie Chen, Aru Yan, Effect of rare earth content on TbF3 diffusion in sintered Nd–Fe–B magnets by electrophoretic deposition, Scripta Materialia, 2017, 131:24-28

26.  J.T. Zhao, Y.L. Sun, L. Liu, D. Lee, Z. Liu, X.C. Feng, A.R. Yan. Correlations of phase structure and thermal stability for Alnico 8 alloys, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 2017,442: 208-211

27. Shimeng Zhu, Jiangtao Zhao, Weixing Xia, Yingli Sun, Yong Peng, Jiecai Fu. Magnetic structure and coercivity mechanism of AlNiCo magnets studied by electron holography, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2017,720: 401-407

28.  Lei Liu,  Zhuang Liu,  Xin Zhang, Yanping Feng,  Chunxiao Wang, Yingli Sun, Don Lee,  Aru Yan, and Qiong Wu. Magnetization reversal process in (Sm, Dy, Gd) (Co, Fe, Cu, Zr)z magnets with different cellular structures, AIP Advances, 2017,7, 056221

29. Chunxiao Wang, Zhuang Liu, Lei Liu, Yanping Feng, Chaoyue Zhang, Tianyi Li, Ming Li,Renjie Chen, Don Lee, and Aru Yan. Effect of Mn on Hydrogenation Behavior of Sm(Cobal.Fe0.2MnxCu0.08Zr0.025)7.2 Alloys, IEEE Mag. Trans., 2017,53

30. Y. P. Feng, M. Li, Z. Liu, L. Liu, C. X. Wang, R. J. Chen, Z. Q. Tian, Don Lee, A. R. Yan. Microstructure and magnetic properties of Sm(CobalFe0.28Cu0.06Zr0.02)7.84 magnet prepared by hydrogen decrepitation and mechanical crushing, IEEE Mag.Trans., 2017, 53, 9: 2800804

31. Zexuan Wang , Wenzong Yin , Jinzhi Wang , Chaoxiang Jin, Renjie Chen , Jinyun Ju , Xu Tang , Don Lee, and Aru Yan. Hot-deformed Nd-Fe-B magnet with macroscopic composite structure, Appl. Phys. Lett.,2017, 111:182407

32. Dewei Zhao, Teresa Castán, Antoni Planes,  Zongbin Li,  Wen Sun, and Jian Liu,    Enhanced caloric effect induced by magnetoelastic coupling in NiMnGaCu Heusler alloys:Experimental study and theoretical analysis. PHYSICAL REVIEW B , 2017,96:224105

33. Yao Liu, Feng-xia Hu, Ming Zhang, Jing Wang, Fei-ran Shen, Wen-liang Zuo, Jian Zhang, Ji-rong Sun, and Baogen Shen. Electric field control of magnetic properties of Nd2Fe14B thin films grown onto PMNPT substrates, Appl. Phys. Lett., 2017,110:022401
